Camping at Barataria Bay
If you are planning on camping onsite you will need to reserve a camping spot size. Camping spot reservations are available on a first cum first pleasured bases. In order to access the camping reservation system you will first need to register for the event, our registration process includes getting your camp spot!

Reserving your camp spot:
Once you have accessed the camping reservation system you will find many spots to choose from. Each spot has an assigned cost in cubits. If there is a spot size you have your eye on but it cost more then you have we might suggest you ally with others. Once you find a few others you might consider starting a crew to combine your resources with.
Attendees may only purchase one size!
Your first time purchasing a camp spot
If this is your first season at Barataria Bay you are given during registration a starting purse of cubits to purchase a Sloop class camping space. Just goto the Camping Reservation Module and pick out your Sloop sized space.
Not your first rodeo, but your purse is a bit light
If this is not your first season and you find your purse low on cubits don’t fear, we can get you a voucher for a camp space. In order to have the voucher become available you will have to have a minimum of 60 ₡ in volunteer work selected in our volunteer reservation system. Once you have 60 ₡ worth of volunteer work assigned to you, the voucher will automatically be assinged. It is crucial to our events success that we get everyone to support the event by volunteering a few hours of your time. I promise it will be easy and fun!
RV's & Trailer
- Recreational Vehicles aka motor homes are allowed in one of the assigned RV spaces only. RV spaces are like all our space first cum, first pleasured. RV spaces are a primium purchasable space. To secure an RV spot you must the Land Steward in the Port Authority’s Office for details and password. Barataria Bay is a camp location not a parking lot; coming and going from camping in a sperm whale or whale is taboo.
- Trailers are allowed on the beach within the limits of your camp and as long as they are cumpletely covered or thematic as defined by the event. Barataria Bay is a camp location not a parking lot; coming and going from camping in a sperm whale or whale is taboo.
Camp Size
Camping spaces are defined by ship class. Each ship class has an approximate size to help you determine which size is best for you or for your crew. The approximate size will NOT be the exact size of your camp as the camps are subject to the shape of the land itself, vegetation, and the roads. When selecting a camp from the map you will see the contour and the general space based on the land features.
Please understand space is limited on the beach. The minimum number of people to occupy is there to ensure everyone can have a camp space. We do not have the space to have large ornamental encampment structures like ships, stages, courtyards, or personal dungeons on the beach. If you have questions please ask the Land Steward via Port Authority’s Office.
Class | Approx Size | Sqft | Color | Minimum People to Occupy | Cost |
Sloop | 15 x 15 | 225 | Blue | 2* | 60 ₡ |
Brigantine | 20 x 25 | 500 | Yellow | 3 | 253 ₡ |
Galleon | 25 x 25 | 625 | Purple | 5 | 312 ₡ |
Man of War | 35x 35 | 1225 | Green | 7 | 451 ₡ |
Ship of the Line | 50 x 50 | 2500 | Red | 20 | 1254 ₡ |
*Solo campers welcum
Checking Out
When the adventure ends and it’s time to leave we expect everyone to do their part and pack out what they packed in. The land should look better then when you arrived. When you are all packed up and ready to leave, check out with the Port Authority. Get a clean bill of passage back to open waters. This protects you from someone else dumping on your land at the end of the event after you have left and you getting the blame.
Camping Check List
We have created a camping checklist to help you pack successfully for Barataria Bay.
*All information is subject to change without notice