Smugglers and Scallywags is an attempt to recreate what life might have been like to be a pirate or pirate crew hauling booty in to sell. Seeing that the cargo is illicit the pirate will have to either sell to someone willing to buy illicit cargo or find someone to draft documentation to make your cargo appear legitimate.
If you are not the pirate then you can play one of the town’s innkeepers, brothels, taverns, gambling halls, cuntstables, merchants, craftsmen, or trading companies. Each plays a role in a pirate’s life or not, this is up to you.
The game plays with a resemblance to actual life while the rules are few to give room for plenty of shenanigans. If you end up being a cuntstable you will not only be the moral center but the most random element to the game.
You never know what’s around the corner for you in Smugglers and Scallywags but you can bet it will keep you entertained as well as engaged.
Smugglers & Scallywags is a real play game where you have actual investment into the outcome. If you choose to partake you will have a financial stake in the game to multiply or to lose, the choice is yours. We invite everyone to join us in Smugglers & Scallywags, only at Barataria Bay. If you are interested in playing at Barataria Bay sign up upon arrival at the Port Authority office with the Adventurer’s Guild.