Caining 101

Caining 101

A cane is probably the most used and often least taught first toy for most Tops/Dom(me)s.  It’s a simple toy yet how it’s used can deliver a wide variety of sensations from the sensual to the sadistic.  This class will be hands on practical training on the uses of this tool, some do’s and don’ts, theory and actual practice using it.   


As a practical class there will be things to learn and experience for both the givers and receivers. Ideally there should be a Top and bottom or folks willing to switch.  For those coming solo we will do our best to pair tops and bottoms for those willing/wishing to participate.  It is ok to simply watch. 


We will cover the two primary styles of canning, rhythmic and english but may discuss others styles and modalities.  We will cover safety aspects and techniques. We will talk about sensation and pain processing for bottoms as well as safe-words and other communication techniques. The goal is that participants will leave the class with new or improved skills from both the Top and bottom perspective.  

This is a beginner workshop so no prior skill/experience is necessary. 


What to bring: blanket or mats to sit/lay on, canes ( canes will be available for purchase at a very reasonable price for those that don’t have them and if need be some will be available for loan if someone can’t afford the purchase) water, snacks and blankets for aftercare. 


For bottoms please consider what you want to wear. Ideally this is done on bare skin but go with what you’re comfortable with. Canning can be done over jeans. We will primarily focus on backsides and back of the thighs as target areas though we will talk about and potentially demo other areas. Avoid overly loose and or baggy clothes as they don’t allow for the Top to see target areas as well. Also consider what sort of marks you’re willing to have as there is a likelihood that there will be marks after this class is done. These may last days and potentially as much as two weeks.  We will talk about care for those as well. 


In the end we want folks to have fun and learn skills. 
