Adventure is not only in our name but in our DNA at Black Sails Adventures. There are secrets with in secrets. The layers are so deep no one can see them all. Many of our adventures will be staring right at you, and you will not recognize it unless you are paying close attention. Some adventures take minutes while others take years to complete. From the minute you register you are already taking part in your first adventure. While you might think I am talking about the process, and you’d be correct. You have also started on collecting your first piece to a much greater puzzle. Welcum to Black Sails Adventures, slow down, take your time, and enjoy the process. It can be very rewarding.

Captain Hornigold's Buried Treasure Hunt
It seems as ol Captain Horniold’s treasure has been buried on our island for safe keeping.
Take part in our multi-day buried treasure for real treasure** and riches. This seasons hunt has an estimated cash value of over $300* in hard currency and much much more in prizes.
Pre hunt begins online in our Discord server, The Port. Don’t miss out on the clues and keep your eyes sharp!
* Uncovering the treasure chest does not mean you will win all the prizes, but definitally the lions share.
** There is a chance the trasure chest will not be uncovered