It is with deep frustration that we are formally announcing that Redprick & PDXIOS will be cancelling Spanktaculus Masquerade 2025.

The owners of The Swinger Hideaway (the venue), Mike & Cameo have unfortunately decided to change our negotiated rate for the facility as well as force minimum numbers of tickets sold in the last week. As you can imagine we negotiate our prices long before we announce our events. The new price was 60% on top of the negotiated amount. This would have left us in a position where we were paying to host the event vs profiting or even breaking even.
We share this with you so you can understand the situation and hopefully know we have done everything we could to resolve this. We were prepared to forgo any profits just to host the event to uphold our obligations to you, our guests. Unfortunately even this cancellation will be costing us all the bidirectional fees as well as the monies both PDXIOS and Redprick has outlaid on items for this event.

We don’t want you to worry! I know most of you know and have read, Redprick doesn’t offer refunds. We normally offer gift cards as a way for our attendees to retain their value. This time we will be making a 1 time exception for Spanktaculus Masquerade 2025 purchases seeing this extraordinary situation. This will cum as a significant loss for us due to the hundreds of dollars in transaction bidirectional fees but seeing that we could not uphold our end of the bargain we think this is the right course of action. This will take some time to process as monies have to be returned from our accounts to the processor and then from our processor to you. Please give no less than two weeks before making inquiries.

Ending on a good note. Redprick is still locked in and sails are unfurled for Black Sails Adventures as well as Barataria Bay. We have been hosting these events for years at the same location and look forward to seeing you there this season. The dates for both those events have changed due to the changes made by other events in our community so please see our website for details.
I don’t know about you but I am eager to hoist the black once again and can’t wait for Black Sails Adventures.

As a side note for those who were looking to participate in the wheel of spank can still get a chance to partake. The wheel will be making an appearance at Dex Ranch in April as a pre-event activity. Due to Spank being canceled we are thinking of bringing it to one of the two camping events. So don’t worry there will be opportunities to be spanked this season.

We appreciate each and every one of you, okay maybe not you, yes you arrrrgh, but the rest of you of course we love you and can’t wait to see you all again.

Until then, tack when the wind shifts, and keep your sails filled!

I am William de Sade for Redprick saying Spanks


Let the party begin!

Don your mask and let loose your fantasies. This one evening event celebrates indulgence before the fast, so responsibly indulge in all that we offer…

What we offer

This is just a taste of what is taking place at Spanktaculus Masquerade

Private Room
RV Parking
Dance Floor
Complimentary Finger Food

The event space

the Swingers Hideaway

With over 10,000 sqft of private club secluded on the eastern end of the Portland metro, you will find a very quiet and private locale to play to your heart’s content. Whether that be swinging, BDSM, dancing, or socializing, the Swingers Hideaway is the place.

spanktaculus spankers

Feel the love from some of the best spankers in the pnw





William de Sade



His bARK is far worse
then his BITE


Do I need to say more?

be part of the Pirate mardi gras celebration




Ticket Sales End MAR 7th at 6pm!

Tickets $99

© Redprick LLC All Rights Reserved 2025

Cum Join the Mermaids

As the mermaid GB cums to an end the center bed will be taken over by the VIP ORGY. At that time we invite all attendees to play on the 2 side beds until the VIP ORGY bed opens to all attendees 


Play All Night Long...

in Redprick's assortment of furniture



The bar is free and open to all who attend, so indulge yourself responsibly 


This is a Pirate, mermaid, nautical, fantasy masquerade event…

Masks are required, please dress accordingly. Once aboard, feel free to shed layers down to what you’re cumfortable with.

We will be selling mask at the door should you need one.