Understanding Black Sails Adventures


Black Sails Adventures

What is Black Sails Adventures?

We are a consensual adult playground where you can express some of life’s greatest fantasies and joys.

Jolly Roger 2

Who is welcumed at Black Sails Adventures?

 All who are 21+ years of age, and honor the code are welcumed to our shores. Once ye take the code we are all brothers, sisters, and others who fly the black. 

Timeless Watch

What time period is Black Sails Adventures set in?

Step through the mist and on to the other side, to the shores of Black Sails Adventures. A land that is outside the grasp of time. It is a refuge for those that fly the black in any time period. While at Black Sails Adventures time ceases to exist. The day and time you arrive on our shores is the exact same time you return to. So relax, stay as long as you like, and know when you return you will have lost nothing, except maybe your virginity.

What is expected of me at Black Sails Adventures?

First and foremost, there is an expectation you will allow yourself to have fun while you’re at Black Sails Adventures. If you aren’t letting yourself have fun, then why attend? You are expected to have taken the code as your own. This is important to the health of our event that everyone has the same expectations. We expect all who cum to our shores to be in persona as well as in garb appropriate to your chosen persona. We ask that you leave mundania behind you while you are at Black Sails Adventures.

What can I expect at Black Sails Adventures?

Fun and adventure, our event is designed for consenting adults to let loose their mundane chains and allow themselves to be someone they might wish to be, even if only for a weekend. Remember bribes, tips, shenanigans, skullduggery are all part of the fun at Black Sails Adventures.   

What kind of garb must I wear to fit in at Black Sails Adventures?

Garb is another name for period clothing and garments. The type of clothing depends on your persona, if your persona representing a pirate from the 1700’s then 1700’s era pirate clothing (garb) would be the correct answer. What if your persona is something more akin to Han Solo, a space pirate of sorts, then we expect you to wear garb appropriate to your envisionment of a space pirate. There is almost no wrong attire short of not applying any effort and just presenting mundane you. We won’t send you away, but this is not the type of event we are hosting. If you are struggling to come up with or make garb please reach out to us on our social media pages for help.

Multi-Year Collage

Hosting Activities in your Camp?

At Black Sails Adventures we encourage all our attendees to be part of the magic and host activities and events from within your camp space. You might ask how will people know when I am hosting the event?’ Word of mouth is always good, butt biff postings are a fun way to share your crappy information about our activities. 

We have Fire Baby!

At Redprick events it is one of our top goals to ensure we have fire at all our events. We want our attendees to enjoy having a fire pit as well as enjoy the ability to participate in fire play and have fire performances. We work closely with the county & state fire marshals to ensure we can always have fire. It is required that each camp have a fire permit that covers every place they will have heat or flame. Fire permits can be obtained via our event Inquisitors (event policy enforcement team) and at no additional cost.